The evolution of Widgets in Qt
Speaker: Andreas Aardal Hanssen
Qt's widgets are the basic building blocks for any type of GUI application, and through many major releases the basic model is still the same as it was 10 years ago. In parallel to QWidget's stable development, there have been several experiments with a different widget model: the light-weight Canvas model, known since Qt 4.2 as Graphics View. In this presentation, Andreas will present the evolution of each widget model, comparing QWidget to QGraphicsItem. He will then talk about the future plans Qt Software has for each of the two, and how widgets are likely to be constructed in the future.
Andreas Aardal Hanssen
Andreas is a software engineer employed by Qt Software, Nokia, where he has worked since 2003. He has a genuine interest in computer graphics and bringing more bling to the desktop, perhaps colored by his manic interest in computer games ("garden gnomes, you cannot hide!"). He is also the main author of the Graphics View framework.