Qt Creator - Creating Developers Comfort Zone
Speaker: Daniel Molkentin
As developers we are all used to a certain set of tools that helps us with the burden of keeping track of a lot of source code as well as with extending complex applications or hunting bugs quicker.
Unfortunatly, C++ developers had no stable, native IDE to do Qt-based cross-platform development. Instead, most people were working on Qt projects with their favorite editor, supplimented by a hand full of custom scripts. So while the C++ language got bearable thanks to Qt, the actual development process was still cumbersome, making it particulary hard to enter the world of Qt development. To remedy this, Nokia Qt Software released Qt Creator, the easy to use tool dedicated to cross-platform C++ development with Qt.
With recent improvements to the CMake build system and support for Subversion and Git, Qt Creator is a natural fit also for KDE application development. The debugger integration makes using GDB fun again, featuring introspection of Qt types and widget hierachies. It also comes with a comfortable and reliable realtime code completion which just works for all libraries involved, making library indexing obsolete.
As Qt Creator development follows the "release early, release often" paradigm, this talk will not only show how to leverage these features to develop KDE-related applications, but will also present new features of Qt Creator 1.2 and beyond.
Besides sharing how to get involved with Qt Creator development, the speaker also looks forward to interesting discussions on sharing efforts with other development related projects in KDE.
Daniel Molkentin
Daniel Molkentin is a KDE contributor since 2000, who hacked on KControl and assorted places in KDE, maintained the KDE PIM suite Kontact and worked on introducing the wiki-based sites KDE TechBase and KDE UserBase. Daniel recently joined Nokia Qt Software as a Software Engineer, working in Berlin, Germany, where his work mostly revolves around Qt Creator.